April 25, 2012

Announcing Our Summer Bible Studies

Two bible studies will be offered this summer. They are:

1) Tuesday Morning Precept Class, "Numbers:  Trusting God in the Wilderness"

*UPDATE:  The first class will meet on Friday, June 1st. The 2nd class will meet on Tuesday, June 12th and then the class will meet on subsequent Tuesdays - ending July 17th. The study meets from 9:30am-11:30am in Room 141 (lower level).

If you are interested, please contact Joanne Brandes at 770-312-0198 or djbrand@bellsouth.net. The books are $15.95 plus a contribution for tax and shipping.  Please let Joanne know by Tuesday, May 8th if you are interested so she can order the books.

Sitters will be available, but please contact Allyson Janos at azjanos@aol.com so she can ensure that there are enough sitters.

2) Friday morning study, "A Thirty Day Walk with God in the Psalms" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss  

This 8-week study begins June 1st, skips June 8th (VBS), and continues through July 28th. It meets Friday mornings from 9:30am-11:30am.

Tiffany McBryde will facilitate the study, and Books on the Lane will have the book available for purchase.

Sitters will be available, but please contact Allyson Janos at azjanos@aol.com so she can ensure that there are enough sitters.

Note:  During the summer, the Wednesday evening Bible Study will meet once a month for dinner at the Italian Oven.  All ladies are invited to attend.  Dates and times will be forthcoming.