November 20, 2012

Ladies Christmas Tea

Mark your calendars for the annual Ladies Christmas Tea to be held on Thursday, December 6th, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. The theme of this year's tea is Blessings of Serving. Please register on the signup sheet in the church gallery by Sunday, December 1st.

Bring your favorite festive dish to share - hors d'oeuvres or dessert. The tea is open to all women ages 18 and up. For childcare reservations, please contact Kelly Bulger at 770-301-5971.

Bible Studies Update

Tuesday Precept Bible Study 1:  This class has taken a break for the holidays and will begin a study of John, Part 3, on Tuesday, January 8th. Materials will be ordered in December, so please contact Lane Hallwood at 770-487-9448 with questions or to join the class. Please see the Bible Studies Page for meeting times and location.

Tuesday Precept Bible Study 2:   This class has taken a break for the holidays and will begin a study of II Peter on Tuesday, January 8th. Childcare is available. Contact Joanne Brandes before Thanksgiving to order a book (770-312-0198 or Please see the Bible Studies Page for meeting times, location, and childcare information.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study: This class is still in session, but is not meeting this Wednesday, November 21st, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Please see the Bible Studies Page for meeting times, location, and childcare information.

Friday Morning Bible Study: This class will not meet this Friday, November 23rd, due to the Thanksgiving holiday, but will conclude their current study on November 30th. The class will begin a study on the books of I, II, and III John on Friday, January 11th. Childcare is available. Please see the Bible Studies Page for meeting times, location, and childcare information.