November 15, 2013

Acts of Compassion


Many of you were at our Fall Kickoff luncheon where you chose a name of another lady to show compassion to sometime between then and the Christmas Tea.  Well .... the Christmas Tea is quickly approaching, so ask God to bring something to mind for you to say, send, or do with another sister in Christ.

We would love to hear stories of the blessings that resulted from these acts of compassion, so feel free to share your story with any member of the Women's Ministry team. 

November 8, 2013

2013 Ladies Christmas Tea

Please reserve Thursday, December 5th, for our annual
Christmas Tea

Time:  7:00pm - 9:00pm  
Place:  Church Fellowship Hall
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Bring a sweet or savory hors d'oeuvre to share, and
please remember our WIC love gift for Ridge Haven.
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Childcare:  Reserve by December 1st by contacting
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  Sign-up table will be in the foyer soon.