November 15, 2013

Acts of Compassion


Many of you were at our Fall Kickoff luncheon where you chose a name of another lady to show compassion to sometime between then and the Christmas Tea.  Well .... the Christmas Tea is quickly approaching, so ask God to bring something to mind for you to say, send, or do with another sister in Christ.

We would love to hear stories of the blessings that resulted from these acts of compassion, so feel free to share your story with any member of the Women's Ministry team. 

November 8, 2013

2013 Ladies Christmas Tea

Please reserve Thursday, December 5th, for our annual
Christmas Tea

Time:  7:00pm - 9:00pm  
Place:  Church Fellowship Hall
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Bring a sweet or savory hors d'oeuvre to share, and
please remember our WIC love gift for Ridge Haven.
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Childcare:  Reserve by December 1st by contacting
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  Sign-up table will be in the foyer soon.

August 28, 2013

Coffee with Julie Sparkman of idol Addiction!

You are cordially invited to hear Julie Sparkman speak on Saturday, September 7, at 10:30am in the Fellowship Hall of Carriage Lane Presbyterian Church.

Julie, an experienced counselor and engaging speaker from Oak Mountain Church (PCA) in Birmingham, teaches the idol Addiction series that our ladies ministry is hosting this Fall. Julie has a unique ability to explain what the Gospel means for us practically each day in our walk with Christ.

Even if you are not able to participate in the series you will not want to miss the opportunity to hear Julie speak. Invite your friends and neighbors to come as well.

To RSVP for the September 7th coffee, call the church office at 770-631-4618.

More information about Julie and her ministry as well as idol Addiction can be found at Restore Ministries. Please note that there is no childcare for this event, but childcare will be offered for the 9 week video series. Click the Bible Studies link above for more information about the idol Addiction class which begins mid-September.

Fall 2013 Bible Study Schedule

Now is the time to signup for the Idol Addiction class or one of our regular morning
or evening Bible Study classes. Newcomers are always welcome!

"Idol Addiction - facing your false gods and restoring your sanity with the Gospel you thought you knew"
This nine-week video class taught by Julie Sparkman will have two sessions:  Monday mornings from 9:30am-11:30am starting Sept. 16, and Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:30pm starting Sept. 18. Each week participants will view a 45-55 minute video lesson from Sparkman followed by a time of reflection and interaction in a small group setting. Childcare will be available for both sessions at a cost of $10 per family for the entire series. To register, call the church office at 770-631-4618. The cost to register for the series is $20.

Precept Bible Study 1:  This class led by Lane Hallwood begins on August 27 for a study of Ezekiel on Tuesday mornings at 9:15am in the Cove. Contact Lane Hallwood at 770-487-9448 for details.

Precept Bible Study 2:  This class led by Joanne Brandes is studying The Gospel of Matthew on Tuesday mornings from 9:30am to 11:30am in Room 141. Childcare is provided. For more information, contact Joanne at or 770-312-0198.

Friday Morning Bible Study:  This class will begin a study of Isaiah: The Lord Saves led by Tiffany McBryde on September 6 in Room 103 from 9:30am to 11:30am.  The book by Kathleen Nielson is available at Books on the Lane. Childcare will be provided. Contact Wendy Grega at or 770-716-0923.

July 17, 2013

2013 Ladies Fall Kickoff Coming Soon!

Ladies on the Lane,

The annual FALL KICKOFF time is at hand! Please reserve Sunday, August 25 on your calendars.

The annual kickoff will be held in the Fellowship Hall and will begin after the morning church service.

Come for good food, sweet fellowship, and a chance to learn ways to get involved  with Ladies on the Lane in the coming year.

* Sign up in the Foyer starting August 11th *

Child care by reservation:  contact Carrie Gray at 770-229-3951.

See you on the 25th!

Ladies Fellowship Evenings for August and September

Want to get out after dinner for a while and have some fun? Then come to the monthly Ladies Fellowship. The group will meet on Monday, August 19th and Monday, September 23rd.

TIME7:00pm     PLACEThe Cove

For more information, contact Cheryl Shannon at 404-513-3902 (cell), 770-599-6350 (home), or by email at

April 7, 2013

Women's Fellowship Opportunity!

Attention working women or any ladies interested in a monthly, evening fellowship time. This fellowship time will be an opportunity for women to get together to share, laugh, eat, play ... whatever! It's about getting to know each other, and having fun and sweet fellowship.

An informative gathering will be held on Monday, April 15th, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. We will meet in The Cove. Light dessert and drinks will be served as we have some much-needed fun and relaxation time with like-minded women.

Please RSVP to Cheryl Shannon at 404-513-3902 (cell), 770-599-6350 (home), or by email at

Feel free to contact Cheryl if you have any questions or would like more information.

Friday Morning Bible Study This Summer on Esther

The Friday morning Women's Bible Study will have a summer session beginning
May 31 through June and July. They will meet from 9:30am to 11:30am.

They will be studying "A Walk Through the Book of Esther."

Childcare will be provided. Please contact Wendy Grega for more information at or 770-716-0923.